The Demise
The demise of evil is set, it cannot be stopped. I have ordained it from Heaven. It has stolen and taken from My Children from the beginning. There will be battles yes, but I God, have already accounted for all of the variables and all will be succeeded unto Heaven. The darkness will have the furthest fall and there will be no room for mercy, for I as God, have shown mercy throughout history. The ‘error’ takes because it cannot create, and when it cannot take, it torments and divides and ridicules to horrible levels. I have always had a plan of ‘when’ this would cease and I have kept this time unto Myself so that I would not put undue pressure upon my Children, namely My called and chosen Prophet. It most assuredly comes however, for all evil, and it will be sweeping, and it will be full. There is not one demon, dark heart, spirit of evil, one instance of error, that will not be put upon the ones responsible, and the force of this will be unimaginable. I have no mercy here, I have no forgiveness here, I have no give here for compassion, for no compassion was ever shown. The evil is as it’s nature, horrid and dark, whether in spirit or man or soul or animal and the suffering will be absolutely eternal. There will be no end for those who have given over unto the depths of darkness and caused this darkness to be used upon My innocent Children. My wrath will know no end. I will separate Myself then and My Heavens and My Children from this darkness and ‘error’ and evil for evermore. This is My Word As God The Creator Of All Things Through My Son Yeshua, My Only Begotten Son, The Christ, The Word Of God.